My work at OSU

The following are some selected projects I have done as a Graduate Student at Ohio State University.

  1. Sparse Signal Models for Data Augmentation in Deep Learning ATR
    Agarwal T., Sugavanam N. and Ertin E., 2020, September.
    In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf) (pp. 978-984)
  2. Theoretical Analysis of SGD (Spring 2019)
  3. Theoretical Guarantees of t-SNE (Spring 2019)
  4. Self-Driving car simulation using Q-Learning (Spring 2018)
  5. A Survey of Gradient-Descent Optimizer Variants (Autumn 2017)
  6. 3-D microscopic particle tracking system (Spring 2017)

A list of important literature discussed within our research group can be found here